‘What is CNSA again?’
Students often ask this question when core members of the McMaster University Nursing Students’ Society mention that they are delegates of CNSA (the Canadian Nursing Students’ Association).
Our goal is to educate McMaster-Mohawk-Conestoga students on what the Canadian Nursing Students’ Association does for McMaster University and how students can get involved and reap the rewards of a thriving association.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Q: What is CNSA?
A: CNSA is the national voice of Canadian nursing students. For over 40 years, CNSA has represented the interests of nursing students within Federal, Provincial and International governments and to other nursing and health care organizations. McMaster’s collaborative nursing program is the second largest chapter of nursing students in Canada.
Q: As a McMaster-Mohawk-Conestoga nursing student, how does CNSA affect me?
A: All nursing students enrolled at a chapter school are automatically associates of CNSA through a small percentage of their tuition costs. Students at member schools elect an Official Delegate (OD) for their chapter and these delegates act as voting representatives at the regional and national meetings. These delegates express any causes for concern that nursing students at their school may have. Each chapter has one vote at meetings. Students at a chapter school may also elect one or two Associate Delegates (AD) to assist the OD.
Students can also apply for awards and grants that are only available to CNSA members.
Q: Can students be involved in CNSA without being elected as an OD or AD?
A: Students are welcome to attend conferences and participate in events that CNSA hosts at their campus (see National Nursing Students’ Week description above). Regional Conference is generally hosted in the fall and National Conference is generally hosted in January. Stay tuned to the McMaster University Nursing Students’ Society (MUNSS) website and social media pages for updated information. CNSA also partners with provincial and regional associations such as ONA (Ontario Nurses’ Association) and smaller clubs and groups at the university such as GUNI (Global Understanding through Nursing Initiatives).
Q: Why are CNSA Conferences the heart of the association?
A: Conferences bring students together to discuss issues, hear educational speakers and have fun with other students from across the region or country. Nursing students of all levels and sites are welcome to attend Regional and National Conferences.
If you would like more information on CNSA, please visit http://cnsa.ca/
If you have any concerns, topics for discussion for your delegates, or an interest in representing McMaster as a delegate in the future, please email cnsa@munss.ca