CNSA By Election Nomination Period!

CNSA is holding a by-election for the new Indigenous Advocacy Committee Chair position. This governance change was passed at the 2016 National Assembly two weeks ago and we are looking to fill this vacant position. The nomination period will begin on Saturday, February 13th, 2016 at 1600 PST and will end on Saturday, February 27th, 2016 at 1600 PST.

Please see the Quick Guide for more information about the position:…/Indigenous-Advocacy-CC-February-2016-By-El…

Interested candidates are asked to fill out a nomination form:…/Indigenous-Advocacy-CC-February-2016-By-El… and submit a one page essay about why they are most suitable for the position to

Questions can be directed to the Chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee, Lourdes Cua, at