Emerging Professionals in Public Health Event

The McMaster Public Health Association has an exciting free event planned for you. THe MPHA is hosting their first ever student-reun public health conference, Emergency Professionals in Publich Health 2017.

Emerging Professionals in Public Health 2017 is a FREE event and meeting place for interested students to connect to a diverse group of professionals in sectors of public health. It is a gathering of student leaders and change agents who want to make a contribution to health. Through workshops and seminars, we hope to cultivate the existing student interest in public health. Lunch will also be provided.
For registration, please visit OSCARPLus at https://www.oscarplusmcmaster.ca/. Click on “Events” and scroll down to the “Special Events” tab on the left sidebar to register for the event. Alternatively, you can be logged into OSCARPlus and just click the tickets URL on the event page and scroll down to Emerging Professionals in Public Health 2017. You MUST register in order to attend!
For more information, check out our website https://www.epph2017.com & the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/146945712462818/