Geriatric Interest Group (GIG) General Meeting and positions for Nursing Students

Hello everyone!

The Geriatric Interest Group (GIG) is happy to announce that the first general meeting will take place next WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15th at 7PM in MDCL (exact room TBD). We are excited for a new year with new ideas, new members, and a new executive!

ELECTIONS for the 2014-2015 GIG Executive will also be held at this meeting! Descriptions of available positions are attached to this post. If you are interested in running for a position, please send an email to by Sunday, October 12th, so we can add you to the list of candidates; pending interest in a given position, we may ask that you prepare a short 1-2 minute speech expressing your background & interest for that position.

Pizza and refreshments will be provided! Please invite your classmates. Looking forward to seeing you there!

– The 2013-2014 GIG Executive

Thanks, and please let me know if you have any questions.
Emma Luymes
MD Candidate, Class of 2016
Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine

McMaster University, Hamilton, ON