Are you interested in getting involved with MUNSS but don’t know how, well this year MUNSS is inviting ALL nursing students to join one of our committees! Being part of MUNSS as a committee member is a great way to make friends and get involved! Please feel free to contact any of the following committee contacts if you are interested or if you have any questions!
Awards Committee
- MUNSS is hoping to give out 5 awards this year totaling $1400
- Involves working with the Awards Chair and other committee members to establish criteria for MUNSS awards
- Decides who the recipients of MUNSS awards shall be
- Most work will take place online and through email, with 1-2 in-person meetings taking place in the winter term
- Interested? Contact Kylie Teggart at
Social Committee
- Plans social events for nursing students to help increase opportunities to meet other nursing students and faculty
- Social events that will be planned: nursing formal, exam de-stressor, etc.
- Interested? Contact Lisa Chalklin at
CNSA Fundraising Committee
- Responsible for creating and advertising events that will help fund the 2015 National Canadian Nursing Students’ Association (CNSA) conference trip. This year the conference will be held at the University of Saskatchewan in Regina from January 28th– 31st
- By joining this committee you will help raise money to support nursing students interest in attending the conference
- Interested? Please email Boey Chak at
Education Committee
- Members of the education committee will assist the education co-chairs in convening elections (which run periodically throughout the year), planning educational events, and advertising and promoting elections and educational events
- Education events can include: Capstone conferences, workshops, speaker series, and other learning opportunities for nursing student.
- Interested? Please email Laura Harvey at