The McMaster CSBL is excited to announce some more sessions of the Virtual Code Blue Workshop and Virtual Handover Workshop. This is a two-hour Zoom workshop teaching an ACLS Code Blue response, facilitated by residents and ICU nurses. Both workshops provide IPE immersion credit.

Virtual Code Blue Workshop Dates:

  • May 13 6:30 to 8:30 PM
  • May 19 6:30 to 8:30 PM

In the workshop, you will rotate through 4 stations:

  1. Assessing an unresponsive patient
  2. CPR & Protected Code Blue
  3. Airway Management
  4. Defibrillation

You will then in an interprofessional team-based virtual Code Blue simulation using Virtual Resus Room.

Your classmates who have attended previous sessions have found them really helpful for dealing with deteriorating patients and Code Blues in their clinical placements! ACLS is not a pre-requisite to participate in this workshop.

If interested, please register below:…/virtual-code-blue-workshop…

Feel free to reach out to with any questions!


Virtual Handover Workshop

Workshop Date: May 17 6:30 to 8:30 PM.

In this workshop, learners get to develop an approach to common ward pages and crises, and practice interprofessional communication skills, and giving and receiving safe and effective handover to medical students and residents.

The workshop is facilitated by internal medicine residents and ICU nurses.

Registration link:…/virtual-handover-workshop…

Feel free to reach out to with any questions!