Are you interested in helping McMaster build healthy communities? The University is hosting a research showcase February 6-10 with presentations, tours and demonstrations about how the University focuses some of its research on healthy neighborhoods.
There are three opportunities for students to volunteer your time and learn more about McMaster’s work in this area:
February 8, 12:30-4pm: Half-day conference on healthy children and families at the McMaster Health Campus in downtown Hamilton.
– Volunteers are needed for registration, coat check
February 9, 4:00-8:00pm: Health Crawl on campus
– Volunteers are needed to help guide visitors on their tour of various facilities on campus
February 10, 3:30-6:30pm: Health Fair at the McMaster Health Campus in downtown Hamilton
– Volunteers are needed for coat check and to guide visitors through the Fair
If you are interested and available, please contact Laura Harrington,