It’s that time of the year again! Oh, you thought we meant the holidays? Nope. We meant it’s time to apply to be a Welcome Week Rep for McMaster’s Nursing Faculty!
Did you love Welcome Week and want a chance to re-live it? Were you a rep before and want the opportunity to run it back? Were you looking for a way to get involved with the Nursing program? Do you think you’d be a great role model for incoming first years? Do you just LOVE McMaster Nursing and NEED a way to share your enthusiasm?
If you said yes to any of those questions, here is your chance! The Nursing Welcome Week Rep Applications are now OPEN!
There are 2 types of applications:
First-Time NWWR Application: for those who have never been a rep before.…/First-Time-NWWR-Application-Official.docx
Returning NWWR Application: for those who are applying to be a rep again.…/Returning-NWWR-Application-Official.docx
Please fill out the application that is suited to you!
This year’s Nursing Welcome Week Planners are Emily Ayers & Adrian Mendoza.
If you have any questions, please email Emily & Adrian @ Good luck to all applying and have a safe, fantastic and restful holiday break!